Purpose, Scope, Basis and Definitions
ARTICLE 1 - (1) The purpose of this Regulation is; Providing safe service delivery and safe environment for patient and employee safety in all health institutions covered by Article 2, increasing the quality of service provision, identifying possible risks for patients and employees in the health institution, determining the appropriate methods and techniques for these risks and in-service trainings to provide safe service and to ensure the sustainability of a safe working environment.
ARTICLE 2 - (1) This Regulation covers public, university and private sector secondary and tertiary health institutions.
ARTICLE 3 - (1) This Regulation, the provisions of paragraphs (e) and (f) of the first paragraph of Article 3 of the Basic Law on Health Services dated 7/5/1987 and numbered 3359, the Organization and Duties of the Ministry of Health dated 13/12/1983 and numbered 181 It has been prepared on the basis of Article 43 of the Decree Law.
ARTICLE 4 - (1) In this Regulation;
a) Ministry: Ministry of Health,
b) Employee: Persons who participate in the provision of health services and who are responsible for the provision of health services, even if they are not members of all health professions and health professions participating in the provision of health services, in the official or private health institutions,
c) Head of Department: Performance Management and Quality Improvement Department, General Directorate of Therapy Services,
ç) Evaluator: The person evaluating the effectiveness of the Service Quality Standards assigned by the Department in health institutions,
d) Evaluation: The activity of measuring the effectiveness of Service Quality Standards in health institutions by the Department,
e) Patient: The person who needs to benefit from health services,
f) Patient and employee safety: Activities related to measures and remedial actions to be taken regarding all kinds of processes and processes that may cause harm to patients and employees in health service delivery,
g) Service Quality Standards (HKS): Standards prepared by the Department for the provision of services of health institutions,
i) Health institution: Public, university and private sector secondary and tertiary health institutions,
Basic Principles, Patient and Employee Safety Practices
Basic principles
ARTICLE 5 - (1) Health institutions within the scope of this Regulation; In line with the provisions of this Regulation, to carry out the necessary activities to ensure patient and employee safety, to make its own internal regulations and to take measures are required. Health institutions are based on the Service Quality Standards prepared by the Department and published on the official website of the Ministry, while taking necessary measures for patient and employee safety.
Patient safety practices
ARTICLE 6 - (1) Health institutions within the scope of this Regulation;
a) Identification and verification of patient identification information,
b) Consent of the patient for interventional procedures to be applied to the patient,
c) Ensuring communication security in the provision of health services,
ç) Ensuring drug safety,
d) To ensure the transfusion safety of blood and blood products,
e) Ensuring surgical safety,
f) Prevention of patient falls,
g) Ensuring radiation safety,
ğ) Making arrangements for disabled patients,
take necessary measures and make arrangements.
Employee security practices
ARTICLE 7 - (1) Health institutions within the scope of this Regulation;
a) Preparation of employee safety program,
b) Health screening for employees,
c) Making arrangements for employees with disabilities,
ç) Ensuring that employees take personal protective measures,
d) Arrangements to prevent physical attacks against employees,
take necessary measures and make arrangements.
Patient and employee safety common practices
ARTICLE 8 - (1) Health institutions within the scope of this Regulation;
a) With regard to control and prevention of infections;
1) Preparing a program for control and prevention of infections,
2) Surveillance studies for monitoring hospital infections,
3) Making arrangements to ensure hand hygiene,
4) Taking insulation measures,
5) Cleaning, disinfection and sterilization applications,
b) With regard to laboratory safety;
1) Taking necessary measures according to biosecurity level,
2) To conduct quality control studies of laboratory tests,
3) Providing notification of panic values,
c) With regard to radiation safety; taking protective measures in areas where radioactive material is used for diagnosis and treatment,
ç) Regarding color code applications;
1) Implementation of blue code,
2) Pink code application,
3) B